
Flask is a web solution for python that allows for you to make web applications,

This guide is how to use Flask, however the full documentation for flask is more thorough. The following tutorial is a thorough and informative series that has been found to work for learning flask

Assuming you already have flask installed,

pip install flask

you should be able to import flask

In [1]:
import flask

More importantly you want to get specific libraries which include:

  • Flask
  • render_template

These are the most basic needed just for a normal static page that doesnt do too much

In [2]:
from flask import Flask

Setting up the flask app is done through setting the app do to the flask variable

In [3]:
app = Flask(__name__)

We will now setup a base route for the application for it to be routed through just the root directory

In [4]:
def homepage():
    return "Hello World"

However, if we wanted something more than just a string being passed back, we will have to have some sort of html file loaded up in a "templates" folder. This folder is in the same directory as the python file running flask is in. Flask will draw from this directory for the various templates that you make.

The way you would call up an html file would be through the render template function, and this requires another import, or you could otherwise just import both libraries at the same time

from flask import Flask, render_template
In [5]:
from flask import render_template

Now you can create another app route for this html file. You can name all these functions whatever you want, and the route is the route itself which the user will take to access this file.

for this you will use


In this case, index.html is stored within the templates folder in your working directory

In [6]:
def htmlpageDemo():
    return render_template("index.html")

Furthermore if you'd like to instead return a json type file back, you can use return python dictionaries

In [7]:
somepythonVar = 35
def me_api():
    return {
        "username": "User",
        "age": somepythonVar

Now we have to actually run the app, and its done through the app.run() function

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(host="",port=8080, debug=True)

Technically, this is all you need to setup a basic static page. This page can be accessed through localhost:8080 and the working directories like localhost:8080/htmlpage will call the function htmlpageDemo() within the code, and will return the specificed html. Return json back to the user is common for apis, and now you can make your own with relative ease.

This is the funcitonality of a web application and can be used for a multitude of uses including websites and apis